Who were Griselda Blanco's three husbands and how did each of them die? How the Cocaine Godmother re
Often dubbed the 'Godmother of Cocaine' and 'The Black Widow', Griselda Blanco struck fear into the hearts of many - including the ones she loved.
The Colombian 'queenpin' went from living in the slums to carving out an empire that stretched from her country's cocaine capital of Medellin to Miami and New York.
The debauched billionaire was well renowned for her lack of remorse and vicious nature, sometimes forcing both men and women to have sex at gunpoint.
But who were her three men who took her hand in marriage? MailOnline takes a look at the love life of Griselda Blanco.

'Cocaine Godmother' , Griselda, went from living in slums to earning $80 million dollars a month, striking fear into the hearts of many - even the ones she loved

But who were the three men who tied the knot with Griselda? (pictured: Dario Sepúlveda with his and Griselda's son Michael Corleone Blanco)
Who were the husbands of Griselda Blanco?
READ MORE: Griselda Blanco's real life son Michael SLAMS 'disrespectful' Sofia Vergara for making his mom 'ugly' in Netflix series - and claims Colombian actress wouldn't have 'got away' with shunning the family from new show if his drug lord mother was still alive
<!- - ad: https://mads.dailymail.co.uk/v8/us/news/none/article/other/mpu_factbox.html?id=mpu_factbox_1 - ->AdvertisementGriselda was raised in the impoverished slums of Colombia, with her lifetime of crime starting at a very early age.
At only 11 she became a pickpocket and a killer, and aided in the kidnapping of another ten-year-old boy, who was from a well-off family.
When the wealthy family refused to pay the random, the cold-blooded killer shot the boy in the head.
Her illegal antics continued, becoming a prostitute a year later - a career path that would lead her to her first husband Carlos Trujillo.
Trujillo, who was a petty forger, shared three children with Blanco, Osvaldo, Dixon and Uber Trujillo.
All three boys were welcomed into the world before before the age of 21, however their parents eventually divorced.
Griselda, who was known for her shameless bisexual orgies, moved on to her second husband and cocaine dealer - Alberto Bravo - in the late 1960s.
The couple migrated to Queens, New York, were they built up their drug smuggling business, under the guise of Bravo's clothing import company.

Griselda had three marriages and four sons. From her first marriage with Carlos Trujillo she had three sons Osvaldo, Dixon and Uber Trujillo. She shared her youngest son Michael with her third husband Darlo Sepúlveda (pictured: Griselda Blanco with her sons Michael, Osvaldo, Uber and Dixon)

The Godmother of Cocaine soon built a multi-million company after marrying her second husband Alberto Bravo. The pair used his clothing business as a cover to smuggle cocaine to New York
The business manufactured the special range of drug mule lingerie she devised — corsets, bras and knickers fitted with dozens of pockets that allowed a woman to carry as much as 7lb of cocaine in a single corset.
As a result of her Colombian connections, Griselda was able to undercut the Italian Mafia - quickly making her and Bravo multi-millionaires with an operation of some 1,500 drug dealers.
Thrilled by her new life as a drugs baron, she would regularly watch Hollywood gangster films, including The Godfather.
By 1978, she tied the knot with her third and final husband Dario Sepulveda.
Griselda and her killer partner shared one son together, Michael Corleone Blanco who was named after the famed-character from Al Pacino's The Godfather.
The couple eventually made the move to Miami, where Griselda was able to evade detection because her face was so severely changed by her cocaine use, rendering her unrecognizable.
When 1983 Sepulveda left Griselda Blanco.

Earning her 'Black Widow' title, all three of her husband's met their bloody demise at her hands
How did Griselda Blanco's husband's die?
Ferociously jealous, 'The Black Widow ' had up to eight strippers killed because she thought her husband's had been sleeping with them.
Her brutal nature was even extended to a girlfriend of one of her son's, whose father was murdered because she dumped Griselda's boy.
READ MORE: Where are Griselda Blanco's sons now? The painfully sad truth about what happened to the Black Widow's children
<!- - ad: https://mads.dailymail.co.uk/v8/us/news/none/article/other/mpu_factbox.html?id=mpu_factbox_2 - ->AdvertisementGriselda's vicious ways even struck out at all three of her husband's famously earning her the ominous arachnid title.
Her first husband, Carlos Trujillo, met his demise after the pair divorce, with Griselda having him murdered over a business dispute.
Bravo - the drug baron's second husband - saw his bloody end because of Griselda's growing paranoia due to her extensive use of raw and smokable cocaine.
Her paranoid mind proved in handy when she suspected US investigators were on her tail as she was ready to whizz away at the drop of a hat.
Unfortunately for Bravo, the Black Widow, 32, was ready to claim another mate after she fled to Colombia.
The mother-of-four under the assumption he has been unfaithful and stealing millions from their business, eventually asking him to meet in a car park.
When the pair met, Griselda reportedly whipped out a pistol, which was stored in her ostrich-skin boot, shooting Bravo dead.
But she didn't come away unscathed, with Bravo landing a blow to her stomach from his Uzi submachingegun.
In one telling of the story the Godmother of Cocaine grabbed Bravo's gun and took down all six of his bodyguards.

Griselda ordered a hit on her third husband Dario, who was killed by gunmen in his car next to their son Michael (pictured with his mother)
She also had her husband brutally killed, and this time it was in front of their own son - Michael.
In 1983, after Sepulveda left Griselda, he had also kidnapped their son Michael and returned to Colombia.
But Griselda would not let her youngest son go without a fight, and eventually had her third husband assassinated.
When the gunmen found Sepulveda in his car they shot him - as his son Michael was sat and watched.